Why is the Profundity Bonus Tier so Painful? (2024)


81 posts Member

November 30, 2022 12:02PM edited May 31

Just finished up my first Profundity bonus tier after many tries. Just wondering out loud here why it's built to require so many attempts. I might have been tempted to throw down some crystals to refresh it but I'm less interested now that I've played through it once. Which makes me wonder - why CG did you make this thing so annoying? It's not a pay-wall. It's not fun, or more fun since it's more difficult. It comes after months of farming so it seems like a kick in the "pick your pun".

Is it simply so someone will pay 1250 crystals rather than 999? That's a lot of added aggravation for your user community for 251 extra crystals per try? That doesn't seem like it's the answer.

Is it just to bump up the time a player plays the game? Maybe but it also doesn't seem to add up.

Or am I just the Outlier here and everybody else really likes it? It feels like the same blueprint as Executor, and how many people go back and play that mode "just for fun" Why is the Profundity Bonus Tier so Painful? (2) I'm guessing nobody.

Post edited by EA_Solaire on


  • Vendi1983

    5028 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 12:22PM


    If they started with only 3 ships you'd nuke it in seconds. So they have to make you work a bit.


  • f82bd

    81 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 12:46PM


    Your reply got me wondering how much "work" are we talking about. If we start out with 80 shards and need 330 to 7*, that's 250 or 25 successful runs total needed after unlock. At 3 or 4 minutes per run x25, how much time is that? It will also take multiple runs especially at lower stars so let's say it takes an average of ten minutes per 10 profundity shards. That's over four hours total play time to unlock at 7* without buying shards outright. I like the idea of Nuking it myself Why is the Profundity Bonus Tier so Painful? (5) Keeping it under 2 hours!! yikes, could it really take that long?


  • WookieWookie

    1460 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 12:49PM


    f82bd wrote: »

    Is it simply so someone will pay 1250 crystals rather than 999? That's a lot of added aggravation for your user community for 251 extra crystals per try? That doesn't seem like it's the answer.


    Or to make people gear up their crew out of frustration. Either way spending more resources translates to more profit for CG.

    For those of us F2P, IMHO having an event be challenging makes it feel more rewarding when you finish it. GI's hour long slog was probably over the top, but if an event is so easy you can hit 'auto' and walk away with a legend/GL/'GL ship' in a minute, it feels less.... legendary. The battle should be epic.

    Even though we all knew Obi Wan would beat and dismember/scar Vader in their duel, I'd bet very few people walked out to get popcorn instead of watching their epic (if drawn out and pre-determined) battle on Mustafar.


  • StarSon

    7491 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 1:56PM


    Why is *any* of it painful? I was forced to r9 the capital ship pilot but can't even use it? It's just to mess with us for their amusem*nt.


  • crzydroid

    7364 posts Moderator

    November 30, 2022 2:03PM


    Bonus tier? I just failed twice on tier 2.


  • StarSon

    7491 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 2:04PM


    crzydroid wrote: »

    Bonus tier? I just failed twice on tier 2.

    That's cute. I've spent an hour on tier 1. Currently frozen on it when I tried to retreat because I was going to lose.


  • f82bd

    81 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 2:22PM


    So for the bonus tier I've found a video from Songeta that really helped make things easier Why is the Profundity Bonus Tier so Painful? (11) The key is outrider, ghost and ywing starting line-up, and then using "the rebel fleet has arrived" followed by "Emergency repairs" specials, then concentrate on and take out Xanadu. I used Biggs and Wedge as reinforcements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPnxGxKqf9k


  • crzydroid

    7364 posts Moderator

    November 30, 2022 3:09PM


    StarSon wrote: »

    crzydroid wrote: »

    Bonus tier? I just failed twice on tier 2.

    That's cute. I've spent an hour on tier 1. Currently frozen on it when I tried to retreat because I was going to lose.

    Tier 1 fortunately only took me two tries. 6 on tier 2, about as many on tier 3, maybe a few less on 4. I still haven't beaten bonus tier, despite buying two extra packs to get to 5*.

    Also realizing that if I hadn't spent 5,000 crystals on 9,900 shard shop currency yesterday, I'd have enough to max through packs and not play the bonus tier at all.


  • crzydroid

    7364 posts Moderator

    November 30, 2022 3:20PM


    I'm going to go ahead and say that video is A-OK. After killing XB, it can be done on auto.

  • DarjeloSalas

    9944 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 3:51PM


    crzydroid wrote: »

    I'm going to go ahead and say that video is A-OK. After killing XB, it can be done on auto.

    You can still lose if RNG gives you absolutely no assists.

    I have to say the inability to use your Han's Falcon in the event is one of CG's worst decisions.


  • TVF

    36706 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 3:52PM


    DarjeloSalas wrote: »

    crzydroid wrote: »

    I'm going to go ahead and say that video is A-OK. After killing XB, it can be done on auto.

    You can still lose if RNG gives you absolutely no assists.

    I have to say the inability to use your Han's Falcon in the event is one of CG's worst decisions.

    Where does it rank against creating a forum?

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH


  • StarSon

    7491 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 3:54PM


    crzydroid wrote: »

    StarSon wrote: »

    crzydroid wrote: »

    Bonus tier? I just failed twice on tier 2.

    That's cute. I've spent an hour on tier 1. Currently frozen on it when I tried to retreat because I was going to lose.

    Tier 1 fortunately only took me two tries. 6 on tier 2, about as many on tier 3, maybe a few less on 4. I still haven't beaten bonus tier, despite buying two extra packs to get to 5*.

    Also realizing that if I hadn't spent 5,000 crystals on 9,900 shard shop currency yesterday, I'd have enough to max through packs and not play the bonus tier at all.

    I spent an hour each on t1 and t2, and then t3 and t4 were one and done. Bonus tier took 4 tries. Only have 6k crystals so probably not going to refresh at all. I'll get it when I get it.

  • StarSon

    7491 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 3:55PM


    DarjeloSalas wrote: »

    crzydroid wrote: »

    I'm going to go ahead and say that video is A-OK. After killing XB, it can be done on auto.

    You can still lose if RNG gives you absolutely no assists.

    I have to say the inability to use your Han's Falcon in the event is one of CG's worst decisions.

    Extra amusing after their whole "we want you to r9 Raddus so you get the chance to use the fleet at its full potential" nonsense.


  • Antario

    996 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 4:17PM


    I hoarded over 25k crystals and took profundity to 7stars in one go last time. I can concur that the bonus tier is annoying. I would have struggled to finish it on time (within one day) without the video guide.

    That's me! https://swgoh.gg/p/337141285/


  • DaarthBrewer

    1969 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 5:45PM


    Antario wrote: »

    I hoarded over 25k crystals and took profundity to 7stars in one go last time. I can concur that the bonus tier is annoying. I would have struggled to finish it on time (within one day) without the video guide.

    I had almost 30k crystals this morning, played bonus tier about 1.5 hours to get the 90 shards needed for 7*. I actually lost once even after my ult. I got to where I would restart if I didn't get XB down before his debuff came off, or if either tank died. Rough way to start a morning.

    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.

  • CrispyFett

    991 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 7:13PM


    I watched a large number of videos, unlocked ProFun today, and then got to 5* through refreshing the bonus tier. Phase 1 and 2 were a pain and super RNG dependent, but the bonus tier was easy once I followed the strategy in a video i found (its the same one posted in the thread above from Songeta). Basically use ghost, outrider, Ywing. start with. 2nd Profun Special marks XB. Use outriders 2nd special 1st to gain Download. then his next turn use mass assist (1st special) to finish off XB. thats pretty much it. I don't think i lost once, and my non-req PX pilots are G8. Even if Exec gets the perma TargetLock just keep going until you pop your Ult and Outrider super special

  • DarjeloSalas

    9944 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 8:10PM


    CrispyFett wrote: »

    I watched a large number of videos, unlocked ProFun today, and then got to 5* through refreshing the bonus tier. Phase 1 and 2 were a pain and super RNG dependent, but the bonus tier was easy once I followed the strategy in a video i found (its the same one posted in the thread above from Songeta). Basically use ghost, outrider, Ywing. start with. 2nd Profun Special marks XB. Use outriders 2nd special 1st to gain Download. then his next turn use mass assist (1st special) to finish off XB. thats pretty much it. I don't think i lost once, and my non-req PX pilots are G8. Even if Exec gets the perma TargetLock just keep going until you pop your Ult and Outrider super special

    Using that exact strategy at the beginning, I still lost 3 times today in doing it 10 times to get to 7*.

    Profundity needs assists to get to ultimate. If you don’t get them, Exec can beat you to it. Or Slave 1 can nuke your squad with his AoE bomb.

  • CrispyFett

    991 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 8:17PM


    DarjeloSalas wrote: »

    CrispyFett wrote: »

    I watched a large number of videos, unlocked ProFun today, and then got to 5* through refreshing the bonus tier. Phase 1 and 2 were a pain and super RNG dependent, but the bonus tier was easy once I followed the strategy in a video i found (its the same one posted in the thread above from Songeta). Basically use ghost, outrider, Ywing. start with. 2nd Profun Special marks XB. Use outriders 2nd special 1st to gain Download. then his next turn use mass assist (1st special) to finish off XB. thats pretty much it. I don't think i lost once, and my non-req PX pilots are G8. Even if Exec gets the perma TargetLock just keep going until you pop your Ult and Outrider super special

    Using that exact strategy at the beginning, I still lost 3 times today in doing it 10 times to get to 7*.

    Profundity needs assists to get to ultimate. If you don’t get them, Exec can beat you to it. Or Slave 1 can nuke your squad with his AoE bomb.

    Still, that's a pretty good win rate (70%) considering this is probably tuned to be a more difficult event. Once I had the strategy down, I found it to be the easiest of the tiers. I'm also happy I didn't unnecessarily gear up Kanan and Zeb, who remain at lowly G8

  • DarjeloSalas

    9944 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 8:30PM


    CrispyFett wrote: »

    DarjeloSalas wrote: »

    CrispyFett wrote: »

    I watched a large number of videos, unlocked ProFun today, and then got to 5* through refreshing the bonus tier. Phase 1 and 2 were a pain and super RNG dependent, but the bonus tier was easy once I followed the strategy in a video i found (its the same one posted in the thread above from Songeta). Basically use ghost, outrider, Ywing. start with. 2nd Profun Special marks XB. Use outriders 2nd special 1st to gain Download. then his next turn use mass assist (1st special) to finish off XB. thats pretty much it. I don't think i lost once, and my non-req PX pilots are G8. Even if Exec gets the perma TargetLock just keep going until you pop your Ult and Outrider super special

    Using that exact strategy at the beginning, I still lost 3 times today in doing it 10 times to get to 7*.

    Profundity needs assists to get to ultimate. If you don’t get them, Exec can beat you to it. Or Slave 1 can nuke your squad with his AoE bomb.

    Still, that's a pretty good win rate (70%) considering this is probably tuned to be a more difficult event. Once I had the strategy down, I found it to be the easiest of the tiers. I'm also happy I didn't unnecessarily gear up Kanan and Zeb, who remain at lowly G8

    For an event gated at this sort of gear levels, there is no need for it to be hard at all. Han’s falcon should definitely be available for use.


  • The_Dude

    89 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 10:10PM edited November 2022


    f82bd wrote: »

    Your reply got me wondering how much "work" are we talking about. If we start out with 80 shards and need 330 to 7*, that's 250 or 25 successful runs total needed after unlock. At 3 or 4 minutes per run x25, how much time is that? It will also take multiple runs especially at lower stars so let's say it takes an average of ten minutes per 10 profundity shards. That's over four hours total play time to unlock at 7* without buying shards outright. I like the idea of Nuking it myself Why is the Profundity Bonus Tier so Painful? (26) Keeping it under 2 hours!! yikes, could it really take that long?

    Bingo. I went from unlock to 7* today and the bonus tier took me almost 3 hrs to do all of them to 7* (or get 50 shards away from 7* because you have to buy the last 50 if you want 7* immediately). It’s not that it’s hard, just super super annoying to start battle, try to kill XB, fail to do so before he loses mark, restart…over and over and over again. It was one of the least pleasurable experiences I’ve had with this game.

  • Whatelse73

    2201 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 11:31PM


    I'd rather have my fleet assist 3 times at a 100% rate than this RNG garbage assist rate. It's made purely to increase the "surprise mechanics" decision making process of the AI. I've been in fleet arena battles where I got 2 assist the whole match, meanwhile, the AI gets two assists every other attack, at least.

    If there was a standard, people wouldn't refresh as much, wouldn't spend as many crystals, wouldn't frustration purchase, and so on. They want you to gamble resources, time, and money to try winning because it's easier to program "RNG" than it is to program in something that takes skill or a strategy.

  • Winterwolves

    1755 posts Member

    November 30, 2022 11:54PM


    I start with cassian instead of ghost. Seems to work fine.

    Heal special when no one needs healing is counter intuitive to start, but I'd say 70-80% success rate.

  • MasterSeedy

    5131 posts Member

    December 1, 2022 12:48AM


    Where does it rank against creating a forum?

    Well, I don't know about whether disallowing the Falcon is worse than creating the forum in general, but it's definitely not as bad as the decision that they made when they allowed me to start posting here.


  • Screerider

    1424 posts Member

    December 1, 2022 12:51AM


    Fell asleep trying to spend my crystals. So many restarts. Got 5 done at least.

  • MasterSeedy

    5131 posts Member

    December 1, 2022 1:00AM


    I do have to say that I had the crystals to take Profundity to 6* immediately, but I only took it to 5* immediately and then 6* the next month because I just couldn't stand doing the event that many times in a row.

    But with every bump in CapShip power it does get a little easier, so y'all have that to look forward to.


  • The_Dude

    89 posts Member

    December 1, 2022 3:40AM


    MasterSeedy wrote: »

    But with every bump in CapShip power it does get a little easier, so y'all have that to look forward to.

    For some bizarre reason (likely RNG), I actually had a harder time as I increased the Prof stars making my way through the event. I was all excited when I got to 5 and 6 stars thinking there’d be less RNG, but alas…I actually lost more at 6* than 4*.

    Thankful to be done with it.


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Why is the Profundity Bonus Tier so Painful? (2024)


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