The Oshawa Times, 26 Dec 1959, p. 13 (2024)

ummary Of Stock Market Activit27 81212 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, December 26, 1939 | | Contra ct Gi v e n | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHTWeekly For Generators Reasons GivenTORONTO (CP) -- Associatedy TE This Week: 1 TTR Ly Te OxEs Stock Sales High iay ey Change Hn Jaw v For Slow rade|tric Commission contract for twoMont Loco 1160 $19% 19 2 1 Dalhousie 5100 20 } 5 3 a (View |, Canadian siock markets moved:4 18 3 2900 26 25N 50 car 20 $143 14% 14% y i '+ ; 3 |stantial portion of the gemerators| There were several reasons for|ihis week was not much higherNorth Star 18642 $24sociated Electrical Industries in!the most prominent. |W Decalta 8847 128 121 135W Lease 1900 350 350 350 350% 7 LabradorW N. 1000 46 46fall 1B 11 n Lake' Cin3 5p 1959 Kil C wis 5300 123 120 10 -#Stock Sales High Low Close Change High Low Kirk Min 7716 36 33 35353 to 267 om .byhe Toronto Stock Exchange this week. [Issues un-totaled 185.for the week was 6,599,000, down from theJrevictis week's 9,672,000. Total sales for the yeardate are 751,795,612. (Quotations in cents unlessmarked §$.) .WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKSBy The Canadian PressThis WeekHigh Low Close CINDUSTRIALS18445 $2415 23% 24)18642 $24 n 213223 $3312 3210099 $33% 33%10177 $13% 12%McCabe 140 $354- L te N24% 2% 2M-West wis 100 8 65 60 61| Electrical Industries of Can-|ada Limited has been awardedBy The Canadian Press |an $8,800,000 Ontario Hydro-Elec-: Jus 2% 1300 000-Kilowatt steam - turbo) By GREG MACDONALD [week and brokerage houses willvA Yenican 3m 5 W135 I Dufault 15 60 |generators for the new gen-| Canadian Press Staff Writer |then be ready to accept new busi-Mon Mort 127 $45 rh 2 i Langis 3000 2] 2 5 jerating station in suburban Lake-| Canadian stock markets moved jess again.Mont Trst 50 $45 3 | resin a a |: 304 . 21 A hydro commission statement|yweek and generally hung at lower SHORT WEEKory Mn 1065 sisre Mines {announcing this said a sub-|jevels The average volume at TorontoN St Car 290 $14% : J M es |0 Hs Abacus 9000 will be made in the company'sithe lack of interest displayed by 000 shares but the ex-Nat Trust 100 $1714 Acad Uran 12800 Peterborough works under an ar-{investors this week, the long/ than Lo pa for only 3%rangement with the parent As.|Christmas weékend being among| days, losing Christmas Eve atAgnico 37350Akaitcho 1500Stock SalesNor Star A 5247 S$17%Nor Star pr 5 S41N St wts 57 12 370NO NGas 960 $16%Nor Phone 515 315 260oPRNopth StarAluminithe United Kingdom. Others included a lack of pro- Moon. :| The generators will be com- gress on the U.S. steel labor front| Investors say thal the reactionparable to the largest mow injand the current Toronto Stock|of Canadian markets followingservice anywhere in the world|Exchange audit of member|the huge gains made on Wall3100 and will involve a wide variety|firms. [Street and in London during theManeast U 12300 4 of manufacturing skills and plant| However, brokers expect thejlast month has been almost leth-Maraige 13300 13 14 13 facilities. audit to be finished early next|argic.: 3 3 eeMcintyreMarcon 3000 The anticipated lateRi . : |surge has failed to hit the Cana-£: an. i» Holiday Buyingi: Z:::° 'iHits New PeaksMentor 55 5% 11 2 : +1 6 8'30Maritimedian exchanges and there hasMerrill41003500BA OiBC Forest 4Rare 25412Am Nephe iAnagcon 21150 $16 Ld hig hs Anglo Hur 508000 $% Th T% Ang Rouya2910 9 285 gle 9 Ansil5 Arcad wis 2200Area 6500Arjon 13500A Arcadia 33425Atlan C Cp 1000Atlin-Ruf 4000Aumacho bAumaque 2100AunorBankeno 600Barnat 2665Bary Expl 1100Base Mets 31500500OILSCon Dragon 68320 35 29Cree 42780 25 Office SpecOshawa APage-Hers 1980 $29% 28%Pembina 5 MTPowell R 68. 17% 17%Pow Corp 390 5414 54%P Pipe Mig 10525 325 310 325Premium 1125 400 380Pres Elect 3200 125 12580300 33 32 Q N Gas 2092 $16% 1693506 22 2 52 13 Reichhold 250 S28% 27Reitman's 100 $16Roe AV Can 6930 $7 67% 6%Royal Bank 8h 79%Russell 1 ] 10%Industrials SE Som ALong Isld 45500 13% bo]Am Leduc 391235 10 9Spooner 37300205800 1 45 45151300 16! 5 60109043 81RayrockKast MalCan ErinLoradeAnsiMaybrunover here. However, investors|are looking for an upward swing/in the early part of 1960.. Coppers are among the issuesceptance, Continued negotiations expected fo attract the most at-This Week----------1959Sales High Low Close Change High LowMartin{been no sign of the buying powerStockMeta UranMatatchin New York and London spillingMidrim65Me By JACK LEFLERAad B SIL Cp A prSt Maurice'Salada-8Selkirk AShawinSilverwd ASimpsonsSKD MfgSlatesStmville prSouthamSpartanSpartan wisSt PayStd WireStedmanSteel CanSteinberg AStuart OilS PropaneS Prop wisSuptest ordSuptest comSwitson6250 $40%s50 $23Alta Dis wAlta Dist vtAlgon B 100Alumini 13225Analog 5270Analog wisAtlan AccAtlan Ac pr 100 S19%Atlas Steel 595 827%€ Vickers 2200 $15%C Westng 55 $435Auto Elec 27 2Bank MontBank NSBath Pow A 100357508968Bowat 5% pr 110 $464Br Tank pr 30 $44BA Oi) 10099 $33915 $70%$3973 $82%230 $45145 $49!10177 $13%525 $15175 $14%1395 $36591 $423660 §12'455 831%1030 $18%694 SI3% 13%C and D2440 518% 18 184s2104 $34 33) 333435 $6 26 26% ~--117 17%7)20%1840 337% 36%$36 36 363 $154 15% 131150 775 700 721225 660 645 650MW 32% 21% 21%W000 $V 6h 6%1720 $T% 7% Th125 73 73 73050 K5 200 310385 $164 16% 16%A B10 310% 10% 10%Car 2225 $il'a 11% 11k3111 $17%HyiiPRLiin5069 $203 2100 $11% 11% 11%1530 395 380 3853016 $38% 38% 38%33 $102 101% 10210 8102 102 1021500 $13% 18120 $12 12Craig Bi 1150 1%0 1%Crestbrk wt 425 16 16175 $28335 38%3110 $32 3L7Y 12141800 $2015 20% 20%1370 $10 MUM 9Dom Fleet w 450 590 590 5%D Fndry 612 $52 51% 51%D Fadry pr 100 $97% 97% 97%D Magnes 05 87 5 7Dom Scot 135 332 32 :0 $4115 41s 41%3030 352% 50 50% --11900 $16% 15% 15%66 $1016 10% 10%100 $45 45 45Eto KKeon Inv 0 $39 39%vddy 5 $604 60Eddy A 1EmenFam PlayGen Dynam 80GMC 821GP Drill 425 110 102164 110 110640 $14% 14%85 $190 190 190$4) 0% 425240500 >$10% 10%$10% 10%G Wpg G w y 300 500GG Wpg 58 wt 2 575 575Greyhnd $11% 10%Hardee Silva 11%Hees 450 450Hendshot $814 475Hendshot pr | $51 31H DauchHorne PitfdH SmithH Smith mrHur Erletmp BankPup Inv A200600200$40 19% 40130 $13% 13% 1312165 $12 11% 240 8107 107 107760 $100% 100 100%FamblynlexacoIhorncliffel'or-Dom kTor ElevI' Gen TrTor IronI' Fin AFin 5 mxFin wter Can PLrans-MtUnion AccUn' Ace 2 prUn GasU Corp BU Fuel AU Fuel BUn SteelUn Telef 4Viceroy AViceroy BV Dare prWainwrWalk GWWebb KnpWesteelWest (W CopperW Cop wisWeston AWeston BWstn 6 pc prWest A wisWhite PassWood AlexWood J AWoodwd AMarconiC PaperD GlassDupontint PapInt UtilLob IncOgilviePrice BrZeller'sAcie GasAjaxAll RexAlminexAm LeducAnchorAsameraBailey S ABailey § prBail 8 5% pBanffBascoBataBralsaBritaliaCalallaal Edalvan Conalvert0il Lds> Oil LHomestdHuskyJ Husky wiWillistonent Del"harter Oil'om PeteDragonMic(Dey PalDome PeteDuvexDynamicEastwoodEastwd AFargoGr PlainsHome OilHome OilHB Oil GJupiterLandaLI PeteLong PointMajtransMarigoldMayfairMedalMidconMill CityNat PeteN ConcordN ContN DaviesN SuperiorNovthealN CONCO wisNorthldOkaltaPac PeleIrI' Fin wis 57 310r1Brew110072004307001002394830300450757857009116473524020000181191542202346100100320.9014001175575195502025100125220470502001059112579at1021000003700103102600192151480019662075210119940002300ABS01100800928717001690013855200216870015008002601Pac Pete wt321PamoilPermo prPeruv OilsPetrolPhillipsPlacePonderPrairie OilProve GasQuontoRangerReef ExplRocky PeteRoyaliteSapphireSapph debsSarceeSecur FreeSouthSpoonerStanwellSubmarTidalTidal wisTrans Canrriad OilUJ Canso v!Un OilsWayneWespisWsburneW Cdn OGWestates P25300430083007050976063007001894012501300118003144015251800302550200027650373001850013700930010070070651502680581631600135067936was$11%$5$20%sli$33%00$29%16535$1912380$38$8794$23%$17$15%300$15%350$46$84185§7325$1491515332%350125$35$35si02$1685528077%$26%$17%bl$33%$5%$45$88$26788510%528441094321951555019%3503886%x169%15%50015%330350"34012034va28078L%17%n335%4387242316%15%30015%33035017%326%$129% 129% 129%36 35% 3633%463,33%OilsAand Bvl7530230101232720313%319100a55023245072130628177029218917870018%18%LL10315280432%512446%3%70018%18%9330402303304590Eto K170$119$1094$121655583062$3811540016%1546174LJ%83359%1719176013919017016240010%10%38111390161410162Flo 27%33315 °5160916611461%017016212%1110%11%1653811240016%,141017330a55°3309%-10-%-1%--d+12"10%715806824300Bethim 13000 300 5Bevcon 7834 3 5 2340. 312%Bibis 6700 6 17 7 7500 17Bicroft 9066 6 2 52 1 Moly 300 $30% 49Bidcop 18340 2 iF a 4100 70 70 . 70Black Bay 18900 3 3 30062 56 50 521 3 35 MMilliken36175 +7 L13 5 44 NEW YORK (AP) -- Cash reg-12% isters jangled a havpy climax to'36% |a sensational Christmas buying60 |season in the Un' ed States this1 {week but there were two dis-between the union and the indus- tention in 1960.try as a who' nowhere Inves ors said copper issuesSteel produ tion continued at ajare beng si 1gled out more aterrific clip with estimated output gh iy likely upward swing006:Bouzan 4000 50 47 47Boymar 1600 TV 2 + 15% # X 3800 HBralorne 5040 5 Nama Cr 17200 17Broul Reef 11100 Nealon v iBrunswick 9305 32 " 225 Nello 3 14 14 14 5, 12Buffad 3 8 2 + % Nes Lab 3 13 1: 13 y 11%Buff Ank 5 5 5 5 + : 3 New Alger 783 5 3 5 2 3Buff RL § Wa New Ath 8 30 282 20 |Bunker Hill 2000 2 7 - 13 New Bid 7 8 ™ 7 "3New Cal 7500 29 F-} 29 3 24 |New Delhi 3600 14 13 4 12 |Cable 4073 N Dicken 4340 230 225 22 : 2 220Cadamel 7300 ] 2 1 N Goldvue 17732 i J Ya %" 3Camp Chib 8191 95 5 = N Harri 18200 :Camp RL 1600 New Hosco 18700 5 3 +3 61Cdn Astor 22500 New Jason bi ] 1 64% |Dyno 41585 N Kelore 8% 11 + : 6%Malart 4700 Newld : 1 14> N Inca 93000 N Man 37 33 33 2 5: 30> Nwest 11660 N Mylam 66655 2 0 30>dn Thor 825 Newnor 13000 5% A"andore 4072 New Rouyn 3233 8 1]an Erin 108043 N Senator 1000 Y + 4an Met 31200 New Taku 1600 A 3 12%> Met wits 11100 ] 50792 6 38 63 2 8 50aptain 1200 8 ] Nick Rim 69500 50 20 45Cariboo 2200 119 1 + Ni, ng 3600 3Cassiar 9998 1 23 k Niiw 5000 5 5 CICayzor 190¢ 35 Noi veau 800 81 5 80Cent Pat 3100 Noranda 1645 $48 6 4 "4%Cent Porc 18706 Norgold 7500 5 3 C ee 42Cheskirk 1500 Norlartic 4225 24 20Chester Normetal 616 340 325 325 J 300Ch'd Jac Narpax 30500 12 Y 2Ch'bh Kay Norsync 1100 9% 8 2 7Chib M N Coldstr 14275 116 5 5 2%Chimo Northgate 5507 42 K anChrom N Golder 1800 24 J 2Coch Will 3 2 295 2 N Rank 38.05 113 7 5 2Coin Lake 5 1 2 Northsp 171445 73C Mot Norsp A w 2775 4 35 - 35Coniagas No:th Can 00 12 2 . 110Coniaur Nurvalie 8700 A 1 & , 10Con Key 6000 Nudu 4500 3 12C Bellek 20633C Beta G 2717C CalinanCon C CadC Denison 48233C Den wits 60995C Discov 4475C Fen 1496Con Gillies 1000CG Arrow 25700C Halliwll® 835%Con Howey 660C Marben 10500CC Marcus 1090Con M § 3779Mogul 9700Morrison 7000Mosheron Negus . 6858"on Nichol 1000 - 13Northld 18800 Pickle Crow 173 4 2 25 85> Persh 3799 s Pitch Ore a : 8%> Red Pop 35410 7 i 7 Placer 975 310% 10% 10Reget 1400 Portage 24625 87 83 83 1 38Sannorm 500 Pow Rou 1120 34% 34 34% Y 7 EdCon Sud ] Preston 3050 465 445 460Conwest Pronto 10305 228 220 225Cop Corp Pros Air 4900 70 60 69Cop 'Man Purdex 10500 7 7 iCoprand E +4 230 Que Ascol 13665 16 15 15%Coulee x 2 5 Que Chib 46800 2 21% 2%Cournos ' 9 4 Que Cop 28870 18 17 18Cowich 2 3 3 Que Lab 2000 4Craig M1 5 35 515 265 Que LithCroinor } 7 - k Que ManCrowpat, 1 Q MetalCusco QunstonDaering QuemontD'Aragon RadioreDe Cour RainvilleDeer Horn RayrockD'Eldona RealmDelnite RenabieDome RexsparDonalda 2 15 Rio RuDuvan 4 3 1 1 Rix AlRoche5 3 516 16%: + 2 k 15§% 17 4%Nick MSObaska gt 13 1]0 Brien J 6 : 1 57Oka Hare 3 1 a 10O'Leary 12 1 3 11Opem 7865 7 95. 4d 248 700Orchan 1 3OrenadaOrmsby 2Osisko We 3 2 1 i 26Paramaq 4 ila 1 Hl 6Pardee 5 3Patino MPatino wisPato 13152 285Paymast 36700 20% 19% 1 13Pce Expl 49 3 3 Ve 3 12Peerless B5 25 4 + ee 20Perron ?35164 340 © 340 --1 310200° 63 62 6 5 6036275288071501000 13017400 302300 7ab 11100 201450 11Rockwin 25800 27300 7 Rowan Con 6750 iSan Ant 525 6210850 Sand Riv 2000 L]17850 2 Satellite 4450 18% 152000 2 21 21 Sherritt bi1500 4 a 4 1 SigmsEureka alo 1 + 3 Sil MilleExpl All 7 Sil StandFaleon SiscoeFaraday Slocan VR 39200Kara wis Stdcona 333¥AKE AmphiKast 51310'west Tung Stanleigh 13620Stanlgh wis 20100Stanrck 2500Starratt 17300Steeloy 3000 4%Steep R 12042 $109Sturgeon 17000 18Sud Cont 9500 6%Geo Scien 1106 Sullivan 9068 160Gnt Masct 1000 y Sunburst 3700 15 tGiant YK 1360 $109 : 4 J Sylvanite 5260 103 101Glacier 9900 32 4 2 5 4Goldale 8500GF Uran 9200Goldray 1432Grandroy 3625Granduc 2100Greyhk 16500Gulch 5200Gulf Lead 1300Gunnar 18070Gunnar wis 16455Gwillim 4700Hard Rock 4600Har Min 2200Hasaga 57H of Lakes 650(Headway 7300Heath 2000High Bell 750Holinger 4600 4 VenturesHoye 100 375 335 358 5 5 ViolamHud Bay 1322 $49 + 3 Waite AmHugh Pam 350 h g 4 8 WeedonHydra Exp 4481 WernerInspiration 3400 W MalarInt Nickel 3633 § 103% 103% W Surf |int Moly 38900 8 8% WillroyIrish Cop 17850 3 155 164 WiltseyIron Bay 2200 2 195 195 WinchIso 11700 Wr HurgJ Waite 22700 Yale LeadJarobus 12700 13 Yellorex 00 8 8Taye Expl 15300 24 Yk Bear 20300 113 105Jellicoe 7400 7 Young HG 18600 74 "nJoburke 1000 Yukenn 1900 Ma i UJoliet 1000 Zenmac 7900 25 p<] xJonsmith BIN Zulapa 1500 17 16 17Jowsey 12188 CurbKenville 3000 5 3 Bulolo i67 385 390 480 +Kerr Add 8118 $2 20% 21% 18% Pend Ore 1500 $45 230 230 30Kilembe 6130 350 3 -10 410 235 Yukon Con 35100 &6 65 66 ~1Steady PricesOn Slow SalesAt Stockyards fier msm oo feme lopa'sf, edi 31TORONTO (CP) Slaughter 0 exports to the United States. | : 93 63.steers, heifers and yearlings sou Slaughter cattle: Choice steers| , Ho#S: Stade il Ba; Minisslowly at steady prices this week 24-24.50 with some. fancy loads at|oee 'weight basis 83 aat the Ontario public stockyards.|25.80; good 22-50-23.50; medium | Sh and 1 ryWith Christmas poultry fore- 20 ~ 22; common 15 - 20; good| heep any 8: Good handy-most in mind, the demand for/handyweight heifers 22 . 22,50; Weight lambs 20 . 21; mediumslaughter cattle was narrow, re-/medium 18 - 21; common 14 - 18; og Heavy = - 18; common 12-sulting in easier prices. choice steer fed yearlings 24 . 25; 10 eeder lambs 15-16; sheep 3-Cows sold steady to 50 cents|good down to 23; good cows 15;(10 according to quality.per hundredweight lower, withimedium 14 - 15; common 13-14;quality only fair. while lower|canners and cutters 9 - 12; good|grades were steady {heavy bologna bulls mostly 17.50-|Veal calf prices were strong to 18; common and mediumfully $1 and more per hundred-'bulls 14 - 17.weight higher and lamb pices Replacement cattle: Good bers of the mountaineering clubclosed 25 cents per hundred- lightweight stockers mostly 23-0" Jeiji University Thursdayweight lower, 24.50 with a few picked loads sel- night in the Japanese Northern1atimaFrancoeur 500Frobisher 13350Frob debs 10Gaitwin 8200Geco MinesGenex 5500Laurcanis 89500 66Taurcan vi 500 55Teck-H 6050 169Temag 2TerritoryThom LTiara'TombillTowagTrans ResTribagCrin Chibthose of last week and some 600|stock calves soldup to 26; com-jeat lowes Shag the same week mon and medium 18 - 33; com-lin . Western sattle receipts) iwere 379 nead, an increase prin oN and medium Slockers 15:[last week of 256 head. Western 21; no heifer calves offered. |istock calves totalled 85 head as| Calves: Good vealers 32 - 34;|compared "with 101 last week. with choice to 36 and an odd ex-|KILLED IN AVALANCHE/ TOKYO (Reuters) -- One umi-light versity student was killed whenan avalanche engulfed 18 mem-| said the strong Christmas buying|cordant notes on the business'of 2,636,000 tons this week, com- There are many reasons forthescene. pared with 2,726,000 last week. ie aren of this base metal.Merchants have been too busy! The holidays cut into automo-|A high demand due to currentto tote up the exact total of Yule'bile production after a two-year|U.S. copper strikes are one ofsales but all indicaticrs are tha 'record was set last week. Est-|them and investors are keepingthe record 1958 buying spree was imated output this week was 100,- open a walchful eye. Consump-exceeded. 000 cars, compared with 152,447 tion of copper in the U.S. andOn the darker side consumers the previous week. Steel supplies Europe is great and if the pre-took another kick in the pocket-|seemed adequate for all - out/sent shortage becomes acutebook from the cost of living, and production through January. prices are likely to go rocketing.hopes for a voluntary settlement -------- m----aenr ------ S---- --------------amin cans] CITY OF OSHAWAThe comme rc e department]CONSTRUCTIONOF SIDEWALKSIn future, unless required for the common good, nosidewalk will be built or replaced by the Corporationuntil a petition has been received from the ownersof the abutting property.{and a flow of new orders at the |Imanufacturing level point to]economic strength in the months]|ahead. |TOY SALES HIGHToy manufacturers said theirsales will top 1958 hy 15 to 20|per cent and exceed the record |set in 1957.Living costs, the labor depart-ment reported, climbed to a new{high in November. This was thesixth record in seven months,The gain of one - tenth of one|per cent -- a slower pace thanlin previous months -- put thecost level at 125.6 per cent of the1947 - 49 average.The November rise was checked |hy a continued downtrend in food |rices. rincip, ain was in| xib . .Pe principal Zar et Petitions must be signed by at least two-thirds inah'c goods, including new cars. |B number of the owners representing at least one-halfOn the steel front, the Steel-| .workers Union claimed a victory | of the value of the abutting property.when the industry agreed to com-pany - by - company hargaining. |The national labor relations|board s'arted making arrange-{ments for a secret ballot in Jan-uary by the 500,000 union mem-{bers on industry's "last offer."AGAINST ACCEPTANCE ]Union President David J. Mec-|{Donald said a postcard poll ofmembers shows sentiment run-ning overwhelmingly against ac-The 1960 sidewalk construction program will in-clude streets for which petitions were received be-fore December 31st, 1959, if construction is feas-ible on such streets.WALTER R. BRANCH,Chairman, Board of Werks.MILLWORK"THE ONE-STEP STORE FOR ALL YOURBUILDING NEEDS""Oshawa's most complete supply house"MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES . . . a must for everycontractor and builder, a paradise for the do-it-yourselferis now in the process of expanding into one of Oshawa'snewest and most modern buildingsMILLWORK is proud of the fact that their service to theircustomers is as thorough and complete as possible and arealways endeavoring to improve it. MILLWORK carries pro-ducts for every building need priced to suit every budget,such as.a complete list of supplies for a recreation room(10 x 12) for the amazing price of just 122.00. Yes, nomatter what it is you wish to purchase if it's in the build-ing line it would be money in the pocket to come .MILLWORK & BUILDINGSUPPLIES LIMITED1279 SIMCOE NORTH RA 8-6291Cattle receipts were only half'ling at a premium; good steer Alps, police Friday.



The Oshawa Times, 26 Dec 1959, p. 13 (2024)


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